Thursday, March 25, 2010


The youth registrations for the Gospel Vision Troops for Poland and for Romania are now complete!
Fourteen young people will be travelling with our mobile structure in Poland, and nine in Romania. They will be evangelizing in the street and on the truck-podium using mime, skits, testimonies, choreography, etc. Also, I will soon be able to share with you a tract that we have put a lot of thought into designing as an effective tool for reaching our postmodern generation. During the tours, the youth will distribue 10 000 Romanian tracts, and 10 000 in Polish. A web site that complements this tract is also in construction. Next month, we will let you know the different cities that we will be reaching.

Thank you for standing by us in this great campaign, where the Gospel will be proclaimed for 5 straight weeks to thousands of souls each day!!! I encourage you to offer your tangible support for this project!


As well, this year we have decided to kick it into Turbo by adding a group of youth, the "Gospel Vision Troops"! Already, numerous responses have come to us from young people with the desire to live adventurously for God! Hallelujah! Formed according to a concept of street evangelism that we are working on, the Gospel Vision Street concept, these youth will travel with the mobile structure and evangelize in the streets as well as from the platform of the truck podium.

If you know young people with the desire for extreme experiences with God, put them in contact by mail with our ministry. The face of our world has changed in these last years, and more specifically that of Europe as it has become like a community of nations.

With the oppenness of its borders, Europe is becoming a vast expanse, an immense mission field numbering 728 million inhabitants.

Thank you for praying with us that the Lord would direct all of these evangelistic operations.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gospel Vision -truck was serving the city of Combs-la-Ville in France and we were encouraged to see that God is mobilizing his church in Europe. The evangelist Franck Alexandre preached in all of the meetings and the worship musician Stéphane Quéry with his team brought forth Good Music for the glory of our Saviour. Good Music and Good News was presented to the city. The pastor of the local church was interested to organise something similar also next year. We pray God to do great things through the Gospel Vision -truck also in the future. 

The beginning of our campaign in Ukraine is approaching and we are starting a systematic prayer and fasting for Ukraine. As of this week we will unite in prayer each Friday to seek God's guidance and will. Each Thursday specific prayer request will be posted to all the participants and also to this blog. Stay tuned! Our God is mighty!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Flights reserved

Three teams of evangelists and musicians have already reserved their flights to Ukraine. We saw God helping us concretely as he provided to financial needs of one couple. They made their reservation even though 200€ lacked from their budget. Returning home the wife found an envelope in their mailbox destined to their family. Inside this envelope was a chech of 200€. God is faithful!

Prayer request:
- pray for authorisations. The pastors are in contact with the local authorities, we should have the written authorisations in the end of June.
- Pray for our truck drivers and their families. They are investing their lives to this evangelisation!

More news to come!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Planning and little steps

Before the evangelists will buy their tickets, we are waiting for the confirmation from the local churches in Ukraine. Meanwhile we are organising the needed authorisation for the truck and the use of sound reproduction system. 

Next week one of our truck drivers will join us and we will look in more detail the road the truck will take to Ukraine. Pray that God would give us the wisdom to choose the way that he has prepared for us. His guidance is both spiritual as well as practical. We hope to do God's will in everything. 

Blessings and a blessed last week of May!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

News from Ukraine

We have received encouraging news from Ukraine and it is great to see this project of evangelisation taking shape before our eyes. We are grateful for all your prayers and we are once again reminded that God is at work even when we have not seen visible changes.

So, next summer we will have meetings in four different places in Ukraine and we ask you again join us in prayer. Here is a picture from a little town called Telmanovo where the Gospel Vision truck will be serving during the first outreach week.  Pray for the local church and the christians there! I will invite you to pray for each city through a different posting, so stay tuned and come to see what God in preparing for Europe! Be blessed and may our Lord Jesus be glorified in your life!

Katja Forsberg
the coordinator of GV2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Latest news concerning GV2009

Glory to God! Our local coordinator arrived safely to Ukraine and was able to meet the local brothers there. Our Gospel Vision tour is taking form and we are happy to see God's hand working. Our vision is to pass through different countries of Europe (more than 6000km) to reach the hearts of Ukrainian people, which really means leaving our comfort zone and taking a step of faith just as we are called to do. 

We want to invite you to join us in prayer:
- pray that the Gospel Vision truck would not have any problems on the boarders and that the truck could enter Ukraine easily.
- pray for low cost of gasoil.
- pray for the truck drivers and their families. More than 4 weeks on the road requires a genuine missionary heart!
- pray for our mighty God to show his mighty power in the preparations as well as during the missions!