Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gospel Vision -truck was serving the city of Combs-la-Ville in France and we were encouraged to see that God is mobilizing his church in Europe. The evangelist Franck Alexandre preached in all of the meetings and the worship musician Stéphane Quéry with his team brought forth Good Music for the glory of our Saviour. Good Music and Good News was presented to the city. The pastor of the local church was interested to organise something similar also next year. We pray God to do great things through the Gospel Vision -truck also in the future. 

The beginning of our campaign in Ukraine is approaching and we are starting a systematic prayer and fasting for Ukraine. As of this week we will unite in prayer each Friday to seek God's guidance and will. Each Thursday specific prayer request will be posted to all the participants and also to this blog. Stay tuned! Our God is mighty!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Flights reserved

Three teams of evangelists and musicians have already reserved their flights to Ukraine. We saw God helping us concretely as he provided to financial needs of one couple. They made their reservation even though 200€ lacked from their budget. Returning home the wife found an envelope in their mailbox destined to their family. Inside this envelope was a chech of 200€. God is faithful!

Prayer request:
- pray for authorisations. The pastors are in contact with the local authorities, we should have the written authorisations in the end of June.
- Pray for our truck drivers and their families. They are investing their lives to this evangelisation!

More news to come!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Planning and little steps

Before the evangelists will buy their tickets, we are waiting for the confirmation from the local churches in Ukraine. Meanwhile we are organising the needed authorisation for the truck and the use of sound reproduction system. 

Next week one of our truck drivers will join us and we will look in more detail the road the truck will take to Ukraine. Pray that God would give us the wisdom to choose the way that he has prepared for us. His guidance is both spiritual as well as practical. We hope to do God's will in everything. 

Blessings and a blessed last week of May!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

News from Ukraine

We have received encouraging news from Ukraine and it is great to see this project of evangelisation taking shape before our eyes. We are grateful for all your prayers and we are once again reminded that God is at work even when we have not seen visible changes.

So, next summer we will have meetings in four different places in Ukraine and we ask you again join us in prayer. Here is a picture from a little town called Telmanovo where the Gospel Vision truck will be serving during the first outreach week.  Pray for the local church and the christians there! I will invite you to pray for each city through a different posting, so stay tuned and come to see what God in preparing for Europe! Be blessed and may our Lord Jesus be glorified in your life!

Katja Forsberg
the coordinator of GV2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Latest news concerning GV2009

Glory to God! Our local coordinator arrived safely to Ukraine and was able to meet the local brothers there. Our Gospel Vision tour is taking form and we are happy to see God's hand working. Our vision is to pass through different countries of Europe (more than 6000km) to reach the hearts of Ukrainian people, which really means leaving our comfort zone and taking a step of faith just as we are called to do. 

We want to invite you to join us in prayer:
- pray that the Gospel Vision truck would not have any problems on the boarders and that the truck could enter Ukraine easily.
- pray for low cost of gasoil.
- pray for the truck drivers and their families. More than 4 weeks on the road requires a genuine missionary heart!
- pray for our mighty God to show his mighty power in the preparations as well as during the missions!

Monday, April 20, 2009

News from Bulgaria and Ukraine

Praise points:
- Bulgaria: God is opening a door into Bulgaria, where we are now in contact with the local christians. The planning is just starting, so support us in your prayers. We want to organise eevrything in God's will and in his time.

- Ukraine: After some difficulties and delays our local coordinator has finally received his visa and is at the moment travelling to Ukraine. Pray for a safe journey and blessed moments with the local christians.

The Kingdom of God grows when we pray as it is in prayer that God can do his work in our heart and through our lives. When our lives are transformed also the people around us are transformed. We pray that the Gospel Vision tour 2009 could transform first local Christians and then their cities. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strenght!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A time for prayer

The Gospel Vision tour 2009 is facing some challenges as our participation in Switzerland and in south of France has been cancelled for this summer. In France the local churches have to respect the authorities and as we have not received a legal authorisation to use the sound reproduction systems, the Gospel Vision truck can not serve. In Switzerland the participation of Gospel Vision was postponed to the next big evangelization event due to construction work as well as the authorisation challenges. The Bible encourages us to pray at all times, to stay awake and bless the authorities. We believe all challenges can be overcome in prayer. We also understand that everything happens in God's perfect timing. When God closes a door he opens a window and we are now looking for that window or those windows. May God bless Europe with his living Word and with Christians who seek to serve his purposes.

Please pray with us:
- favorable contacts with the authorities in France and in Europe. Bless the politiciens and local authorities as they carry a responsibility of our communities. Good connections with them make it possible for us to share the gospel.
- Pray for our missions in Austria and Ukraine, that the opened doors will stay opened and we will get the needed authorisations to serve.
- Pray for our team, that even in the times of challenges we would put our faith on Christ. Circumstances change but Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!

Katja Forsberg
the Gospel Vision tour 2009 coordinator

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gospel Vision participating in Impact Austria 2009

We have had good news from Austria and we hope to be able to take part in Impact Austria 2009 during the summer Gospel Vision tour. Impact Austria 2009 is an evangelization project organised by PEFY (Pentecostal European Forum for Youth Ministries) and it will include Christians from different countries of Europe wanting to make Jesus known in Austria during the year 2009 (for more information on IA09 check: www.pefy.eu) . We pray for God to put us in contact with local churches so that we could continue the planning as soon as possible in more detail.
Other news: 
Preparations in Ukraine are also advancing. At the moment we are seaching for interprets, who could be able to translate from French to Ukrainian. Join us in prayer for Ukraine and Austria!
In France, Luc Trichot continues his work coordinating the local Gospel Vision impacts. I would like you to remember him also in your prayers so that God would give him wisdom and strenght in all of these projects! 
May the peace of God be with you,
Katja Forsberg,
the project coordinator

Friday, February 13, 2009

Coming online information

The Gospel Vision tour planning information for the local coordinators will soon be available online. Including technical details of the Gospel Vision truck as well as some practical tips, this document will help for those interested in organising a Gospel Vision event in their city. If you are interested in having us in your city or if you have questions concerning the Gospel Vision tour 2009 contact the project coordinator through e-mail: gospelvisiontour(at)gmail.com

The information for the local project coordinators will be accessible through this blog. Have a blessed weekend!

Katja Forsberg,
Gospel Vision tour 2009 coordinator

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God opening doors for Gospel Vision 2010

As the mission is a continuing process, we are already looking to the future. Today the first doors for Gospel Vision tour 2010 have been opened and we hope to be serving the local churches here in France, in the region of Normandie. During this year the local brothers hope to engage their local church in evangelization work and we pray, that next year we could help them with our resources during a short term evangelization campaign. We desire to see the church walking and serving among the people! 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Preparations advancing

BULGARIA:  we are seeking for God's guidance. God willing, Gospel Vision tour will take place in Bulgaria in July. We hope to find churches who would like to use our resources and who have a vision for evangelizing their city. It is our desire to offer our gifts to help the local Bulgarian churches.

ROMANIA: According to our present plans, in August the Gospel Vision tour will continue to Romania. And as for Bulgaria, we are trying to establish contacts on the local level at the same time we are looking for evangelists and outreach teams, who would like to give their talents to God's purposes. We are praying God would give us the wisdom to touch the heart of Romania during August.

UKRAINE: At the moment the preparations of the Gospel Vision tour in Ukraine are proceeding. So far we have found  both a coordinator who will be in Ukraine to prepare the missions on local level as well as evangelists who have a call to serve the Ukrainian brothers and sisters. God has opened doors and we pray the 4 weeks in Ukraine will bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

The other stages of the Gospel Vision Tour 2009 are still evolving and as the planning advances, we will post new information. Meanwhile, we fix our eyes of Christ who knows the exact route for the Gospel Vision tour 2009!

Katja Forsberg,
the project coordinator

Friday, January 30, 2009

Word from the Chairman

Ever since 2005, the Gospel Vision impacts have been making a difference in numerous cities in Europe and touching the lives of children and youth by presenting them with a spectaculous combination of Good Music and the Good News. 

We believe that our youth are in a moral crisis and it is on our responsibility to help the new European generation to rediscover and reconstruct their morals. This is the reason why our team organises cost-free programs in the heart of the urban city. Our message, relevant and pertinent,  is presented in a bagage full of creativity.

Gospel music is fashionable and we serve it with all the possible spices, Salsa, Rap, Pop rock, R'N'B, traditional Gospel Choir. You name it, we have it! As we are also passionate fans of street theatre and la commedia dell'arte, we communicate the our message through sketch, mime and dance choreography. We've even had ventriloquists performing! We hope to present our message in a positive format and to avoid all aggressive discourse. Even our Rap is easy-going and cool!

Evenmore, our spectacles entertain and give joy to the kids as well as to their parents. Gospel is a message for the whole family!

I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will join our mission and help us in continuing the adventure of sharing the gospel. I thank you in advance for everything you contribute to our project. Together we are serving the cause of the Kingdom of God!

The Chairman of Gospel Vision International,
Franck Alexandre